Roxanne's Story - From Scholar to Head Teacher!
Roxanne as a young Mercy in Action scholar
I’m Roxanne G Rosales.
I was a scholar in Mercy in Action for almost 10 years. I graduated my Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education in Filipino in March 2017.
Way back before, I will never forget those times when volunteers from the UK came and visited us in our place when I was living in the mountain area far away from the city. I was so happy because they visited our school and played a lot of games. They would play with us together with other scholars. The most memorable part was sharing the Word of God.
When I finished my University, I started working in admin at a Driving School. I’m so glad because Mercy in Action opened their doors and I became one of the teachers at Spring Village. Fast forward, now I am the Head Teacher here at Mercy in Action! I manage all of our teachers from the Drop-In Centre, Residential and Schooling Programme.
Mercy in Action was a big blessing that came into my life and played an important role in reaching my dreams and goals in life. I’m very thankful to Mercy in Action, especially to Ma’am Emily, Sir Tim, Mumsy and Popsy and to my sponsor, because without them I wouldn’t be here without them. Success wouldn’t be possible without their help. Thank you for helping me transform my life and for giving me the opportunity to help transform the lives of others.
Life transformed - Roxanne is now Head Teacher at our Residential and Schooling Programme