“As someone who lived [in Petra] both pregnant and with a newborn, it offered so much support in helping me to become the best mum I can be as a first time mum. I’m very grateful for the help and support I had at such an important time of my life…I wouldn’t have been able to do any of it without the help of this amazing home. I’m forever grateful.” - Alyeesha
Petra Homes for women
Across the UK thousands of vulnerable young people end up as hidden homeless due to overcrowding in the family home, leaving care, rent arrears or partner/relationship breakdown. These hidden homeless do not show up on official figures. Many of them manage to keep off of the streets by sofa surfing on friend’s or family’s couches, squatting, or staying in insecure accommodation.
For young pregnant mothers homelessness adds to the stress of becoming a new parent and increases risk of postnatal depression, mental health problems and attachment difficulties.
The negative outcomes faced by babies and children born to young mothers include:
Petra homes help mothers build strong bonds with their babies. They learn the life skills needed to be independent as well and engage with the community. We believe in supporting young mothers to be empowered, to have better mental health, and life-long positive impacts on their relationship with their child. Our dream is for the mothers we work with to be able to pursue their dreams for their future.
Petra Homes for NEET Young Men
Oxford City is facing a housing crisis that is especially impacting vulnerable young people. Oxford has been identified as the most unaffordable location outside of London for private renting, leaving many young people unable to afford their own accommodation. Approximately one out of every hundred young people in the UK, aged 16–24 experiences some form of homelessness over the course of a year.
Our Petra house in Oxford provides safe housing for homeless young men who do not have work. We provide education and training to equip them with the life skills they need to access higher education, training or job opportunities, and ultimately to be empowered to live independently.
our homes provide
Young women aged 25 or under
Homeless or facing homelessness
Mothers or pregnant
Currently living in BANES, Wiltshire or Somerset.
For more inquiries or to submit an application please email Laura: l.jones@mercyinaction.org.uk (application form found below)
Young men
Young men Age 25 or under
Homeless or facing homelessness
NEET – Not in work, Education or training
Currently living in the Oxfordshire area
For more inquiries or to submit an application please email Jeremy: jem.todd@mercyinaction.org.uk (application form found below)
Bath application form
Wiltshire application form
Trowbridge application form
Oxford application form
Another form to add later: Additional form ‘Additional information for referrals on a CP, CHIN or pre-court proceedings’