POPULATION: 108 Million
Over 25 million Filipinos live below the poverty line
Over 1.5 million street kids
A global hotspot for the online trafficking of children (OSEC)
1 in 6 Filipino children do not attend school
Housing poverty leaves millions living in unsafe and unstable conditions
65% of the population face food insecurity
Chronic malnutrition rate among Filipino children aged 0 to 2 is at 26.2 percent, the highest in 10 years
1 in 4 children live in extreme poverty IN THE PHILIPPINES
It’s estimated over 17 million Filipinos live in extreme poverty. For Filipino children growing up in poverty, hunger and insecure housing is a part of daily life. They are less likely to access education, services and the medical care they need, leaving them vulnerable to homelessness, exploitation and human trafficking.
Negative outcomes do not have to be inevitable. We come alongside children, families and communities so they can access the tools they need to thrive!